In case you missed it, Lady Gaga appeared on Friday’s edition of Good Morning America. In her usual manner, she shocked and surprised viewers with quite an unusual outfit. That in and of itself was not unusual – what was so different was the outfit she wore for the appearance – and the idea behind it.
In her interview with Robin Roberts, she wore a “flesh-colored latex sheath dressâ€. Lady Gaga explained that she was using the interview outfit as an opportunity to discuss the need for education about HIV/AIDS and safe sex so that everyone would understand the risks associated with contracting HIV/AIDS.
Gaga has inked a lipstick deal and is using the proceeds from sales of the cosmetics to help those affected by HIV/AIDS. MAC Cosmetics is working with her to help bring attention to the disease and its devastating effects on its victims and their friends and family.
Her single, “Born This Wayâ€, is currently Number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100.