Wall Street Journal reported that the Girl Scouts are getting down to business in this recession and may cut back on flavors to make the annual sale more profitable.
The new pilot Super Six program, reports the Journal, keeps Thin Mints (yay!), Do-Si-Dos, Trefoils shortbread cookies, Samoas and Tagalongs, Lemon Chalet Cremes. But U-Berry-Munch, All Abouts (shortbread + fudge) and sugar-free chocolate chip cookies? They may go the way of the AMC Gremlin. In other words, good-bye, and will we remember you were ever here?
At $714 million in sales, the Girl Scout Cookie program doesn’t mess around. And they know never to touch the Thin Mint, their top seller. As a former Girl Scout (and Samoa lover, which have a gazillion calories per cookie, and worth every one), I can tell you that if I ever ran out of Thin Mints as I tentatively approached the doors in my suburban neighborhood during a cookie sale, I knew it was going to be one tough pitch. I might as well hang up my badge-covered sash for the day and wait until the next batch of those chocolatey-minty sweets in the green box arrived.
“We’re all seeking a little more simplicity,” Amanda Hamaker, the manager of national product sales for the Girl Scouts, told the Wall Street Journal. “Our top five varieties make up 77 percent of cookie sales,” Hamaker said. “The others are yummy and fun, but they’re side dressing — leaving councils with an awful lot of alternate varieties left over.”
Excellent tips! I have been seeking for things like that for a time currently. Thanks!