Saturday, September 7, 2024


Kala Ross is a young actress born in Atlanta, Georgia. She is in her junior year of high school and has participated in school plays such as, For Here or To Go, The Dust Behind the Tale, and Hello Charlie. Kala has also participated in the summer program Atlanta Street Theater. The following programs have cultivated her love for the art of theater. She plans to attend college to pursue her career in acting. Kala enjoys creating moments of healing and laughter that will liberate the hearts of her audience. Theater is her passion and The Delicate Flower is simply the beginning of her journey created to touch the lives of others.

THE HEAT: When did you first fall in love with theater and acting?
ROSS: I fell in love with the performing arts at a very young age. You could always find me singing in the shower or putting on a show for my parents. In my fourth grade year of elementary school, I joined our school choir. Singing has always been something that I have cherished. However, in my freshman year of high school I realized my love for the art of theater. The warm feeling that I feel on stage, almost as if I have escaped the world around me truly drove my love for the performing arts. These tender moments are times that I wish to cherish for the rest of my life.

THE HEAT: What has been your inspiration as you’ve traveled your journey to this point?
ROSS: My inspiration would have to be my previous theater teacher Sherita Harkness. She is a writer, actress, and my mentor. She has worked with me through various aspects of developing who I am as an actress and an individual; she saw potential in me. Ms. Harkness was always there to push and to guide her students. I am truly grateful for her efforts to share her knowledge with us. She is truly a woman of distinction; she inspires, uplifts, and gives back to the hearts others around her.

THE HEAT: How did you get the role as Magneta in The Delicate Flower?
ROSS: During the casting of The Delicate Flower the auditions were only for women eighteen and older. I was too young to be cast as a member of the play; I simply wanted to audition for the experience. After my audition, I was blessed with the role of Lavender’s understudy. Lavender represents the childish-self; I was so excited to have the opportunity to watch and learn from this talented cast. Later however, The Delicate Flower lost one of its cast members and I was next in line to audition for the part. At the end of practice, the director announced that I would now have a leading role as Magenta. This news really touched my heart; I was now a true flower.

THE HEAT: Most actors/actresses play roles that have nothing at all to do with their personal life. How does your part in this production relate to your life, if at all?
ROSS: Both I and my character experiences circumstance that are truly tests of our faith. Everyday life throws something new in the hands of others. Through my role in the play, I have learned that though there are the struggles of life, there is triumph. Like Magenta, I find the joy in knowing that God said in his will that he will “instruct thee in the way that thou shall go”(Psalms 32:8).

THE HEAT: What are some other productions you have been in or a part of?
ROSS: My very first production was The Dust Behind the Tale, written by Sherita Harkness. I was selected to be a crew member in this play. Though I did not have a leading role, I soon realized watching the other actors that this was something that I wanted to do. The actors in the play inspired me to work hard to get a leading role on stage. Since this moment, I auditioned the following year for two other plays also written by Sherita Harkness by the names of Hello Charlie and For Here or To Go and landed leading roles. This summer I also performed a play with Atlanta Street Theater titled The Rhymes and Times of Little Boy Blue. These couple of years has truly been a blessing and I am excited to continue my journey.

THE HEAT: If you could have one dream to come true at this very moment, what would it be?
ROSS: I dream of being at the awards receiving an Oscar for an outstanding performance in a movie I would star in. I can hear the announcer now, “And the Award goes to Kala Iman Ross!” I want to be a role model for other young girls. My moment of honor will show that hard work pays off.

THE HEAT: What has been the most challenging part of The Delicate Flower to get produced and to the stage in your opinion?
ROSS: Marketing the play has been the most challenging part of producing The Delicate Flower. We are working very hard to spread the word of our production. This is more than a stage play; this is moment of healing and it contains a message that must be heard.

THE HEAT: Is there someone that today you would call your hero/shero?
ROSS: My mother would have to be my shero. She is such a strong woman, she serves as a leader in the math department, and is very active in the lives of both me and my younger siblings. My mother has always taught me to stand for what I believe in, despite the circumstances. She wears her strength like a queen wears her crown. Few teenagers have the ability to say that they have someone to support their dreams. She is someone that I can talk to and is a leader to those around her which is something that I aspire to be. I love my mother; she is beautiful and she is my superwoman.

THE HEAT: What’s next for you after The Delicate Flower?
ROSS: Wow, after The Delicate Flower, I plan to continue auditioning for other productions. I have learned so much from the beautiful women in this play. They are all my big sisters and I know that I can call them for anything. I plan to take what has been shared with me and share it with other teens that aspire to be an actress. I am so grateful for this experience.

THE HEAT: What is one thing you’re hoping that the audience will take away from The Delicate Flower?
ROSS: This play will truly open your eyes and heart to different aspects of who you are as a person. One thing that I hope that the audience will leave with once they see the play is empowerment; I hope that they learn to empower themselves and work towards self-healing. We often listen but do not act upon the things in life that need to be addressed however; this is our chance to awaken to our healing.

Well Kala Ross, THE HEAT wishes you well. You are truly an amazing young lady and we look forward to seeing much more of you as your career blossoms. Hats off to Kala Ross, as Magneta in the brilliant production, The Delicate Flower.

Much Love! One Love!
Feel “The HEAT”



  1. This was an awesome interview. Miss Kala Ross is a beautiful young lady. We are looking forward to her growing and changing the lives of others. Such a warm spirit. Thank you Heat for doing this interview. You did a great job!!!! WE FEEL THE HEAT!!


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