Oklahoma native, Honey Le’Bang, currently resides in Oklahoma City. Honey tells The Heat Magazine that she constantly strives to become “the best of the best in her profession of modeling, marketing, managing, and advertising.â€
Honey is not just another pretty face, either. She has a degree in Business Management and is a member of The Business Professionals Association. Honey prides herself on being a great Personal Administrative Assistant.
Honey also tells us that she has always had a passion for modeling and is living out her dreams with no regrets. She plans to work her way to the top of the industry by being a well rounded, very experienced, diverse model who is interested in all aspects of the modeling world.
Honey’s motto is “Life happens, so live it,” – and that’s exactly what she does.
Check Honey’s webpage out at www.lcmodeling.com/honeylebang.
Follow Honey on Twitter at twitter.com/honeylebang.

Honey has always been an euntorponuter a real go getter. Honey set her stake very high and achieve each of them in time. Honey will make it to the top sooner than most think. Honey make it happen I am behind you, Honey keep God first and everything else will fall in line love you your mom Diane