When I reflect back on my many battles of adversity, the phrase “built Ford tough” comes to mind. In this game of life we are sure to face adversities, but the way we choose to handle them determines the outcome of the game. Thinking about the old spiritual hymn, I won’t complain, motivates me. Yes I know that this is easier said than done, trust me! Simply put adversity has definitely shaped my character, as I know without the rain there would be no rainbows and without battles there would not be victories.
What is your definition of perseverance? I think we all learned what this meant at an early age, remember the story of The Little Engine that Could? What did that story teach us? It taught us that we must exert all efforts to keep moving forward. It taught us that we must develop a lifestyle of optimism and perseverance. Rapper Chris “Nussie” Jackson said that, “if you aint sharing then I aint caring.” So with that theme in mind, I would like to share what it means to be Perseverance Ready.
How to become “Built Ford Tough”
Adversity is inevitable so there is no need to fight it. By looking at the adversity as blessings in disguises, you attain clarity. Once clarity has been attained, you will better make decisions that will shape an outcome of greatness. Flashbacks of adversity that I faced with my career left me with doing a thorough self examination-a three month long self examination. The end results were everything that I’m not makes me everything I am so I must continue to move forward, perfecting my craft. Remember although you may not be in control of the initial point of adversity, you are in control when you do not allow your circumstances to control you. The bottom line is that it is not the adversity that produces the distress it is the way in which you react to it.
The Calm after the Storm
The facts of life are that we must take the good with the bad and the happy with the sad. It states that we must take it but it never really prepared us on how to persevere in the midst of a storm. The saying really does hold true, in order to appreciate the good we first must experience the bad. Developing a positive attitude while experiencing adversity helps shape character. It also is good to view the adversity as a blessing in disguise. For example, if you lose your job the silver lining would be that you are now able to start up your own business that you have been dreaming about or now you may have the time to finish up on a particular task that you started. During my season of layoff, I started my community outreach organization which has not only open many doors for me but it has opened doors and provided experiences for others as well.
Another Level
Once I understood the calling on my life, my conversations with God changed from help me Lord to Lord please give me the ability to endure and persevere my season of hardship. My attitude became it is what it is and what doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger. This should be everyone’s conversation. Look at it this way a smooth sea has never made for a skillful mariner, meaning that in order to go to another level you must first get pass the current level that you are on. Develop an optimistic attitude that will push you to a higher level. Remember the Little Engine that Could…I think I can…I think I can. Where the mind is the body will follow and although you may not understand why you are experiencing such adversities remember that perseverance guarantees that you will reach your goal. Keep on moving don’t stop!
In Closing
I would like to personally thank all the efforts of those that tried to hinder or stop my progression. You made the gift that has been given to me better perfected. Realize that you didn’t give it to me so no matter how hard you try you cannot take it away from me, thinking anything other than that would be uncivilized! And I clearly have a better understanding that As such is life so keep it simple, but hey what do I know? Im just a Social Worker who needs a Social Worker.

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Very good reading, i didn ‘t stop until the end, something i normally wouldn ‘t complete but this one was worth finishing. Hats off to you.know that ‘s sttaight talk.