Unity is something lacking in a lot of areas of art, and sometimes that pertains to music as well. The newly formed New Orleans Union For Entertainment, or N.O.U.E. as it is known, is the exception to that rule. Together with some of the younger artists, quite a few legendary artists are affiliated with the N.O.U.E. and are the driving force behind its advancement. Devious, Partners N Crime and the Legendary DJ Erv are several of its principals, who are helping to push the envelope of entertainment, where New Orleans music and entertainment is concerned.
In a city known for being one of the music capitals of the world, discord and loosely formed cliques have, in the past, plagued the rise of what could one day be the strongest force in the music industry. Awash with raw and polished talent, the New Orleans area has produced some of the most well known artists, especially in the genre of hip hop and R&B. It was not until now that a majority of the talent pulled together to help put New Orleans on the musical map for real.
Poised to release its third various artists mixtape in as many months, the N.O.U.E. presents “Real Recognize Real”, featuring the late Tim Smooth, Ice Mike, Black Menace, Partners N Crime, Devious, Da U Boys, Cheeky Black, Mia X, Kunta Fly Snooka, Majesty Sozey, The Rap Pack, Ms. Tee, and many more more artists. The 25 song mixtape maintains consistency as it follows the Essence Festival and Allies mixtape releases.
“One of the main dilemmas New Orleans has faced over the years as it relates to hip hop is structure. We have always had a ton of talent but only a small amount of industrial structure. NOUE is addressing this concern because most hardworking artists echo this opinion.” – Devious

The N.O.U.E. is an action based collective that features artists in its own blog, on its internet radio affiliate stations, Robgradio.com and Hitzinternationalradio.com, The Heat Magazine, Dtv, Ramp Tv, Phat Phat n All That, and other avenues. In addition, the N.O.U.E. is equipped with professionals who offer their services at reasonable rates. As a result, several artists have leaped over the obstacle of rejection and are now making progress in the advancement of their careers regardless of their musical style. The beauty of the NOUE can be likened to “a pot of gumbo,” because the collective supports all genres and levels of hip hop.
The mixtape series consolidates New Orleans rap and allows industry professionals to be able to observe a variety of relevant music all at once, in contrast to finding New Orleans artists in a scattered fashion.
We had an opportunity to interview Devious so we could learn more about the up and coming N.O.U.E., along with its mission, what it seeks to accomplish, and much more:
THE HEAT MAGAZINE: What’s the mission of the NOUE and your vision for it?
DEVIOUS: The mission is to advance collectively. In the past, our advancement has been limited because of lack of knowledge, opportunity, structure, and rejection. The vision is one of many: to see New Orleans in an active and professional musical industry environment. It’s limited thinking to believe that only one form of music is credible. Imagine if rap music was never given an opportunity, where would we be? So don’t tell me all genres can’t be or won’t be showcased. If that is the case, then New Orleans Union for Entertainment is at odds with any media organization that censors or streamlines our music into a uni-sound genre.
THE HEAT MAGAZINE: Tell us about the mixtape series and how well it’s doing in terms of exposure and downloads.
DEVIOUS: The New Orleans Union Of Entertainment All Stars is off to a great start. Exposure is within the U.S. and overseas. The whole idea is to create a movement and cement the name and work of New Orleans rap music. Thousands of downloads between all the sites, blogs, and forums that our series appeaars on – it’s a unified movement in music.
THE HEAT MAGAZINE: Who are some of the artists who’ve appeared on the mixtape?
DEVIOUS: Partners N Crime, BlaqnMild, Ms. Tee, Fiend, Da U Boys, Mr Magic, Black Menace, Devious, Utp Skip, Cheeky Blakk, Young Torrento, Sess 4 5, Majesty Sozey, Kunta Fly Snooka, Serv-On, Six Shot, Big Ramp, Magnolia Chop, and more.
THE HEAT MAGAZINE: Some of the veteran members have been in the game literally decades – tell us about that.
DEVIOUS: Music is universal, timeless – no such thing as time when it comes to the creation of music. With that being said, greats like the Nevilles, Charlie Wilson, and even our rap vets from New Orleans can maintain consistency in music creation. As far as what’s up with New Orleans Union for Entertainment, we are making sure our music is represented in a proper fashion. We cannot let our music be streamlined to one particular genre. The whole idea is to create a multicultural industry in New Orleans as it relates to music. It’s not coincidental that the majority of basic rap tunes are credited to vets from our city. Like Jeezy says, The Real is Back.
THE HEAT MAGAZINE: Where do you see the city’s music 5 years out, now that we are seeing unity and involvement from all different aspects of the industry.
DEVIOUS: In five years, I’m not certain. I know that New Orleans music will prosper to higher heights. More opportunities will come our way. Fifty Cent says New Orleans rappers are active. I plan on intensifying that activity, hustling in a slightly different way, and carrying the torch for my homies Tim Smooth, Sporty T, DJ Baby T, and DJ Kenny D. Rest in Peace to all the fallen musicians. So if we play our cards right, stay busy and maintain a level of quality, creativity, and determination, we will conquer some of the giants that have blocked us in the past. New Orleans will return to its hotbed era with focus. In five years, we should have a new movement in music with worldwide notoriety. We should make millions with our God-given talents by then.
With unity and perseverance comes success – and so it is with the N.O.U.E.
You can follow N.O.U.E. and Devious on Twitter:
Here’s the lineup for the New Orleans Union Of Entertainment All Stars – Real Recognize Real mixtape, a tribute to the late Tim Smooth:
1. Wood Grain – Da U Boys & The Show
2. My Birthday – BLAQNMILD featuring Princess of Crime Mob
3. Around The World – The Rap Pack (Dappa,The Show, K. Gates, Y Dot Luck)
4. Welcome2MyCity – Black Menace
5. Bout Ta Pop It Off – Devious
6. Be Right Back – Eazymoney featuring Skip & Mista Meana
7. Call Me – Jay Da Menace featuring Mia X w/ Kango Slim
8. Stronger Now (Bounce) – Ms. Tee
9. Wobble On It – Redd & Poizon Ivy
10. Y’all Niggas Gone Make Me – Cheeky Black
11. I Gotsta Have It – Tim Smooth (Rest In Peace)
12. Get With Me – Big Ramp
13. Moxie – Kunta Fly Snooka
14. Gotta Do Me – Mista Meana & Ms. Tee
15. Papers (remix) – Hasheem Amin
16. Come Take A Look – Majesty Sozey
17. Game Need Lotion – Eazymoney featuring Reggie Hammin
18. Mic Check – Young Torrento
19. She Rocks – Poizon Ivy, Da Streets 1st Chyna, Redd, & Shabazz
20. Meet Me In Rubensteins – Tim Smooth (Rest In Peace)
21. Superstarz – Ice Mike
22. The One That Got Away – DEE-1 featuring Mannie Fresh
23. For New Orleans – Kooly
24. Ooh La La La – The Rap Pack
25. Put Ya Ballys On – Bust Down
Download the mixtape here:
To learn more about the N.O.U.E.‘s movement and mixtape series, visit
I love music!!!!
[…] a lot just to have enough equipment to do my own concerts. I just want to say special thanks to Devious for putting inspiring words on N.O.U.E. which has me motivated again and special thanks to Mr. […]