Nik-O-Lious had the opportunity to discover hidden talent once again. The Dirty South just seems to keep putting out talent after talent after talent. The DreadHead Boiz are a duo rapper team new on the scene but definitely not new to the game. DopeBoi Slim and Lil’Daddy Datruuth took a minute out of the studio to sit down with The Heat to introduce their skillz to the world. The Duo has been together showing up and showing out across the south for over a decade! Maybe they were waiting for their locks to turn to dreads…lol Whatever the reason, the wait is long over due. So grab your glass, reach for your lighter, and fire it up…whatever you smoking! And check out the duo DreadHead Boiz: DopeBoi Slim and Lil’Daddy Datruuth!
The Heat: So DreadHead Boiz, tell’em where you started this dynamic duo.

DBS: This is yo’boi DopeBoi Slim, no aka, just DopeBoi Slim representing Mississippi, L-Town, Laurel, Jones County, the other half of DreadHead Boiz, you know how we do it.

The Heat: I’m sure your fans in Laurel, Ms are glad you guys are giving them props and representing. So tell us how you guys got started in the rap game?
LDD: Music basically has been in my life since I was about four. I got my first drum set when I was four and started playing the drums at four. Took my skills to the band all through my educational years and when I left the band to keep doing music I said I’d give the world my vocals.
DBS: Bout the same scenario, been doing music since I was about knee high to a June-bug…(you know he from the south)…made it official when I got to high school learned how to read music and notes and from there we both went to college doing our own thang.
The Heat: You both went to college together?
DBS: Yeah, we went to Alcorn State, we in the SWAC, home of the Braves
LDD: Home of the Braves down in Lorman, MS… Go Braves!
The Heat: I can feel that, my brother went to Alcorn State, seems like they really turn’em out down in the dirty south. So tell us a how’d you end up in the ATL?
LDD: DopeBoi moved to Atlanta and I was already here doing my thang. He started doing beats and doing his thang, me doing the rapping and we been collaborating every since. We made it official.
The Heat: iight , iight, we sure welcome you to the ATL, Hot Atlanta. So tell us about the CD ya’ll dropping.
LDD: We coming out with our 2nd mixed CD as a group. If you wanna call it a group you can, we just call it two individuals that’s killing the game. (DopeBoi Slim giggles). It’s entitled MixTape Assassins Volume 2. It’s a little bit of this, a little bit of that, it’s showing you how we can assassinate, killing everything everybody else done did. And you get our flavor on what we do, the production we bring to the table.

The Heat: When you talk about jumping off into this music industry now, what is it that DreadHead Boiz is bringing to the table that hasn’t already been done?
DBS: I think the fun of just making music. It’s a lot of so called fairy-tales going on. There aren’t more trend setters like it was back in the day. To me sounds like everybody’s doing the same thang. When you heard a Timberland or Missy track, you knew who was about to astound you. And they were having fun doing it, setting their own trend. We taking it back to those days. Making the music a lil’bit more fun, more creative, to where everybody can listen. Where you ain’t just gotta be a thug or this or that type of person to listen to us. Our music touches everybody.
LDD: That sums it up for me too…You said that Slim.
The Heat: You guys coming up out of the Sip. So who was influencing your rapping talents from the dirty south?
LDD: I go way back..Big Daddy Kane, LL Cool J, Outkast, Lil Wayne since he was knee high, all type of people. I’m an R&B cat too. I like the ladies…
The Heat: Lot of people are saying that artist are compromising in order to get the deal. So if you get this deal you’re hoping for tomorrow, will DreadHead Boiz be new members of the compromise your image tour?
LDD: Life is a compromise. You have to be able to take some in to get some out. But if I change myself, I can’t do myself…I can’t do it…I can’t compromise too much of that.
DBS: Hell naw, say they want us to do some Milli Vanilli type stuff because of our dreads, we can’t do that…that’s not the DreadHead Boiz. It’s room for improvement if we need to make changes to better our image, but as far as changing who we are, as the DreadHead Boiz, I can’t see it…
The Heat: What kind of advice can you offer to the youngsters, like the fifteen, sixteen, year olds trying to get their foot in the game?
LDD: Never give up. Never say you’re not gonna make it cause you just gotta be patient and wait til it’s your turn. Just never give up on your dream and your talent. Make it do what it do!
DBS: Never feel like there’s no room for improvement. Every day, month, year, work on improving what you do. Don’t get to a point where you have your fan base so big, it doesn’t matter what you do cause it does. It’s a hustle. Protect yourself. Make sure your paperwork is in order so you don’t screwed by somebody trying to make a dollar off you, but you end up with nothing. Just keep grinding man. Go for it.
The Heat: Speaking of fans, how ya’ll handling the ladies coming at you at your shows? Last one I saw, they were ripping at your clothes and just trying to get any piece of you they could.
LDD: Well I’m more on a grown folk level with that. I got this lil’honey I rub on occasionally…I gotta respect that time she gives me. The women gone be there, they were there before the money was, ain’t nothing gonna ever change about that.
DBS: All I do is SMASH! SMASH! SMASH!…(they both laugh hard)
The Heat: So how long you been trying to make it do what it do?
LDD: It’s been about fifteen years.

DBS: That’s why we said, never give up on your dreams. We didn’t, and look at us now! Dreams do come true.
The Heat: So what’s the project on this CD you really want to push?
DBS: “What I’m On”…that joints the shit!
LDD: Yeah, “What I’m On”…it’s a single that doesn’t matter your age. Not born yet to almost at death, pretty much you can ride to it. It’s for everybody.
The Heat: Where did “What I’m On” come from?
DBS: Really it came from us kicking it to what we on…(they laugh) It doesn’t matter basically what you do; drink, smoke, just like to chill, you may just have a natural high. But whatever you’re on, keep that gased up, that keeps your swagger going to wanna have fun. That’s what “What I’m On” is all about, having fun, “Whatever you’re on”.
The Heat: Anything else on that project you want the people to be looking out for?
LLD: Really the whole project… anything that says MixTape Assassin may not necessarily be something we produced but something we’ve kilt!

DBS: Everything on there is something somebody wants to listen to.
The Heat: So ya’ll are in the business right now to have kilt other tracks with your assassination?
LDD: That’s right…that’s right..
DBS: Fo’sho!
The Heat: So is there anybody out here right now not to say you are mirroring but somebody you hear that makes you wanna sit down and right and do your thing?
LDD: This young cat out here name TransLee. I think he’s with College Park Music, I’m not sure, but that young man has talent… When I listen to his music, it just makes me wanna stop the car and get to work. Bobby Creekwater, Outkast…
DBS: The King…(T.I.) Free the King… T.I.!
LDD: This, (pointing at his duo partner) just might be T.I.’s biggest fan. He just so Mississippi it’s kind of hard to pick between the two.
The Heat: So what’s next for the DreadHead Boiz?
DBS: A deal.
LDD: Yeah, one that we know is in our best interest. Not these crumb snatchers trying to railroad us, we get those offers all day long. We ready to make it do what it do!
The Heat: Anything you wanna give the people before we get out of here?
LDD: MixTape Assassin Volume 2. We giving it away if you haven’t bought your copy just so you can get on our team.
DBS: Two of the hottest rappers around. DreadHead Boiz; Lil’Daddy Datruuth, DopeBoi Slim. Everything we do is from our life experiences.
LDD: We just want to shot out to The Heat for this opportunity. Ya’ll sizzling at The Heat Magazine especially with Nik-da-Licious…and these bad ass legs!
And that was what the DreadHead Boiz had to share on their new success and their new release, MixTape Assassins Volume 2.
The Heat is looking for great things to come from the DreadHead Boiz: Lil’Daddy Datruuth and DopeBoi Slim.
Much Love ! One Love!
Feel “The Heat”
You can follow DreadHead Boiz on Facebook at Lil’Daddy Datruuth or google: DreadHead Boiz
It’s great to hear of and from talent coming from Ms, especially my home town…L-Town. Never heard of these guys, but I will be checking them out. It’s all about the SOUTH baby!
Thanks for the Love LeeAnn!
Congratulation to my homeboiz in the 601. Lookin forward to see in y’all where u belong: in the lights. Word,
Peace to the band folks!