Friday, March 21, 2025


Anjil Jeter was born in Tuskegee, Alabama. As a child, she dreamed of one day becoming an actress, model, and/or singer. God ensured that she pursued her heart’s dream after she completed her Masters Degree in Social Work at The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. She relocated to Atlanta, Georgia to start her acting and modeling career.

Since 2006 Anjil Jeter has starred in various Gospel Stage Productions including: “The Skin I’m In” (Ruth); “Church Folk” (Shelle) by Zakiya H. Williams of Eagle Soar Productions; “Smooth Talker” (Lead, Shelle) by Michele’ Williams; “Pleading My Case” by Stephanie Hammett of 1st Fruits Ministry (Sexual Immorality); “Don’t drive Mama Away” by Lashone Hamilton of Big Shirley Productions (Shauna). She has also acted in other stage productions which include: “Lord, Why Me” (Lead, Shelle) and “The Color of My Skin” (Karen) by T.Y. Martin of T.Y. Martin Studios; “Strings of Poverty” William Blount AKA “Worm” of Earthworm Productions (Carol); “What A Man Wants, May Not be What a Man Needs” Vivacious Vision Productions (Shanequa); “Mistress Club” by Tiffany Roberts of Simply Tiffany Productions; and “A New Birth of Freedom” CAEDEC Productions (Michelle Obama). Although theater is Anjil’s first love, her talent is no stranger to the camera. Anjil has acted in the following independent films: “He Who Plays with Fire” a Scriptwork Films Production; “Nobody” a Stef2GFillms; “Caught Up and Protected” a MarkSquared Production to name a few.

Anjil feels that acting is her ministry… “I am a willing vessel. I ask God to fill me with the Holy Spirit and covey the needed message to His people.” Anjil expects for God to show up and show out on her behalf in the acting, modeling, and singing industry in the near future.

THE HEAT: When did you fall in love with the performing arts?
JETER: I have been in love with the performing arts ever since I was a little girl! That’s all I remember thinking about. It didn’t matter if it was acting, dancing, singing, etc..I wanted to do it all! I remember dressing up and performing dances, monologues, scenes from sitcoms, and singing to my stuffed animals.
THE HEAT: What has been your inspiration as you’ve traveled your journey to this point?
JETER: My inspiration as I travel this journey up to this point has been the same, getting the message to the people. Acting is about a delivering a message to the audience. It allows the audience to “see themselves” and make changes accordingly in their lives. The audience will be able to relate to each character in The Delicate Flower, a person can always see themselves in one or more characters in a stage production, movie, and/or sitcom.
THE HEAT: How did you get the role as “PLUM” in “The “Delicate Flower”?
JETER: I was referred by Leta Lagaunda, who plays Violet in “The Delicate Flower”. She said that there was an opening for the role of Plum, my character, and felt that I would be perfect for the role. I missed two auditions due to being on the road with another production and I thought that the role was filled. Leta told me to call Shakeia Cowan, the writer, and my sorority sister (shot out to Delta Sigma Theta) and I did! I auditioned and was told that I had the role of Plum a couple of days later!
THE HEAT: Most actors/actresses play roles that have nothing at all to do with their personal life. How does your part in this production relate to your life, if at all?
JETER: “Plum” definitely relates to my life. There is a “sexy self” in each one of us! That is what I love about the production! The audience will be able to identify with each flower. There are days that I want or need to feel, look, be, act, and dress sexy! There were reasons in my past that I felt I needed to be sexy to prove something to others and at times to myself.
THE HEAT: What are some other productions you have been in or a part of?
JETER: To name a few of the stage productions I have been in the following: The Skin I’m In (Zakiya Watford, Eagle Soar Performing Arts Theatre); Lord Why Me (T.Y. Martin,T.Y. Martin Studios); Love Doesn’t Have To Hurt (Rev. Lance Brown, Public Awareness); The Mistress Club (Tiffany Roberts, Simply Tiffany Soul Productions); Strings of Poverty (William “Big Worm” Blount, Earthworm Productions; Pleading My Case (Stephanie Hammett, 1stFruitsMinistries);Smooth Talker (Michele Williams); and an upcoming stage production, When Love Steps In (Constance Freeman,Wash Productions).
THE HEAT: If you could have one dream to come true at this very moment, what would it be?
JETER: Hmmmmm…if I could have one wish to come true at this very moment what would it be?? That’s a hard one! I have so many wishes. Lol! I would say…I wish my acting career would exceed any expectation I could ever possibly dream of having! I want it all, the commercials, television, stage, big screen, magazines, and I will be a positive household name as well as have a positive impact on the industry.
THE HEAT: What has been the most challenging part of The Delicate Flower to get produced and to the stage in your opinion?
JETER: In my opinion, the most challenging part of “The Delicate Flower” getting produced to a stage production would have to be financial challenges. Stage Productions are expensive and there is a need to market the production which of course takes money. So many people can benefit and heal from The Delicate Flower and expenses can be an obstacle in getting the message out.
THE HEAT: Is there someone that today you would call your hero/shero?
JETER: My mom is my shero! She believes in my talent and I thank her for all she has done for me. She is blessing me by allowing me to live my dream as an actress. She pushes me and prays for me when I am tired and/or frustrated. She just knows how to make everything “feel” better. Words cannot express my gratitude and how she impacts my life! I am truly blessed to have a mother like her and I pray that I will be able to give back to her and show her how much I appreciate all she has done and said to encourage me to keep pressing forward.
THE HEAT: What’s next for you after “The Delicate Flower”?
JETER: After, “The Delicate Flower” I will be starring in a stage production, “When Love Steps In”, written by Constance Freeman of Wash Productions. When Love Steps In is based on her book entitled, “Don’t Hit Me No More”. This production will be featuring Danny Boy, Terrell Carter, and KiKi Shephard to name a few. The production will be held in Montgomery, Al, January 21, 2012 at the Troy University Davis Theatre. Please visit for more information.
THE HEAT: What is one thing you’re hoping that the audience will take away from “The Delicate Flower”?
JETER: One thing that I hope the audience will take away from “The Delicate Flower” is that everyone goes through things in their lives, some worse than others, but if you are given another day..make the choice to heal. Don’t allow your past to determine your future.

Ms. Anjil Jeter we see that you are already on your way to creating a very successful portfolio. You are one of a kind and we at “The Heat” will have our eye on you lady! Best of luck to you as you continue to walk through your journey in life.

Much Love! One Love!
Feel “The HEAT”



  1. Ms. Anjil Jeter is definitely my favorite female actress. She has a unique gift for the Arts which could only be attributed to the blessings of God. Her ability to go beyond any expectation of her characters is phenomenal. Ms. Jeter is a positive role model that would be a huge benefit to mainstream entertainment and arts. I know that her determination and unrelenting faith will propel her beyond the success she deserves. As a selfless icon…….she will be the next aspiring career figure for young women around the world. God Bless You My Sister!!!!! Love You!!!!!!!

  2. Ms. Jeter…..what can I say? You are a beautiful peson inside and out. Your talents are beyond amazing. I am thankful that we are connected. You inspire me to keep going. I have enjoyed our journey thus far. The sky is no where near the limits!!! Keep Rising my sister!


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