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ALAFIA TYNER: Guiding Us To Healthy Relationships

Alafia Tyner

Prolific: Profusely productive or fruitful; characterized by abundant production

The entertainment industry is awash with talent these days, but few individuals bring to the table what prolific entrepreneur, author and relationship expert Alafia Tyner brings. His empire is growing by leaps and bounds, as he prepares to release his book, “The Guide to a Healthy Relationship.”

The timing on a book dealing with the subject of relationships probably could not be any better. We are living in a day where the divorce rate is more than fifty percent, more people are choosing to remain single rather than get married, and a record number of children are being born into households where one or perhaps both parents are absent a good portion of the time. What are we to do?

Enter Mr. Tyner – a gentleman whose expertise can only serve to provide solid advice and assistance on how we can begin to deal with these types of societal ills.

One of Mr. Tyner’s main goals is to help keep families together. Many studies show that the breakdown of the modern family is largely contributing to problems experienced by our youth, and society as a whole. We recently caught up with Mr. Tyner and we are honored to have taken a few minutes of his time. Let’s just say, he imparted a great deal of knowledge and The Heat is ecstatic that we are able to share some of that knowledge with our readers.

Here’s what Mr. Tyner had to say:

THE HEAT MAGAZINE: Who Is Alafia Tyner?

ALAFIA TYNER: I am a strong, God fearing man, a father, and someone that believes in making a positive difference in today’s society. I am a down to earth, easy to get along with type a guy with a very BIG heart. My name (Alafia) means peace & blessings. I try to live up to my name every day and I seek the truth on every aspect of life.

THE HEAT MAGAZINE: What is the most common problem with relationships today, as you perceive it?

ALAFIA TYNER: The most common issue that I see with relationships today is that men and women don’t really understand one another. In most relationships things just happen too fast in my opinion! When we start to date an individual, this is the perfect time to get to know each other (family-job-habits-hobbies-upbringing-religion-beliefs). Taking the time to get to know more about these characteristics will help to determine if you really should move forward in a committed relationship with this person. Most of us look for the wrong qualities (looks-money-fame) when we meet someone that we are interested in, and this could lead to major problems in the long run. The most common mistake that we can make is to have sexual relations before taking the time to do the proper research on the individual we are dating. Communication throughout every transition of your relationship is very important to have, because communication leads to understanding, and understanding is one of the recipes needed to maintain a healthy relationship.

THE HEAT MAGAZINE: There is most definitely a need for relationships experts, given the tremendous problems affecting people in this day and age. What made you decide to take on such an endeavor?

ALAFIA TYNER: This is my calling in life. I feel that taking on such a huge endeavor is quite natural for me, being the type of person that I am. I have always been a people’s person since I could remember. Over the years, I have been through my own share of obstacles, that I believe have prepared me for what is ahead in life. After taking the time to mend all of the relationships that I have with the people in my life, I saw what kind of difference this made in so many aspects. This was a weight off of my chest that I had been carrying around for so many years, and it also gave me the opportunity to see that others have been carrying around the same weight as well. It feels so good to be able to start over with a loved one. It is always best to take the time to put ointment on the scars that were created in the relationship. When I began to see the positive changes within my own relationships, this gave me the inspiration to want to help others have the same healthy relationships.

THE HEAT MAGAZINE: As a relationship expert, what is the most interesting thing that you have encountered?

ALAFIA TYNER: The most interesting thing that I encountered since becoming a relationship expert, was a very powerful woman that I didn’t know, challenged me when it came to being an expert on the subject. After time went by, she was able to see some of my work and also get positive feedback from other supporters of the movement. Her question to me was, “How can a man be a relationship expert”. I really didn’t even take the time to answer the question, because there is a bigger problem that we are facing in our society. My goal is not to put a label on what I do! We actually need help when it comes to dealing with relationships and I am very sincere about what I do. To make a long story short this woman is now a very good friend of mine, and when we go out for lunch, she actually asks me for relationship advice.

THE HEAT MAGAZINE: What projects do you currently have in the works?

ALAFIA TYNER: As of now I am working on the finishing touches of my highly anticipated book, “The Guide to a Healthy Relationship” coming out early 2012. This first book will be the host of a series of books that will all gear towards relationships. I am also working on a movie script that will display the different aspects of relationships in a serious, but yet funny storyline. After the book releases next year, I plan on starting a national 10 city book tour, as well as a Caribbean island book tour. Definitely be on the lookout for the 2013 inspirational calendar for all of my fans that love to read my daily quotes that I post on my personal Facebook and Twitter pages. Currently, I am perfecting my talk forum pages for fans to have a place to openly discuss real relationship topics, and have the opportunity to get genuine feedback from people of all different backgrounds, cultures, and territories from all over the world.

THE HEAT MAGAZINE: Tell us more about “The Guide to a Healthy Relationship”.

ALAFIA TYNER: The book is a very good educational guide for anyone involved in a relationship or looking to pursue one. The book covers many aspects of the different types of relationships in today’s society. As for the readers, the book will provide many inspirational chapters that will assist in any situation. After reading the book, the information provided will help the reader understand just how important it is to find, have, and maintain a healthy relationship in today’s world.

THE HEAT MAGAZINE: What led you to write the book?

ALAFIA TYNER: What led me to write the book was all of the things that I experienced when it comes to my relationships. As I watched people live their lives and get older, it amazed me that they went through their entire lives without experiencing what a healthy relationship really was. Another amazing thing that I saw was how many homes there were that the father was not present. I always strived to figure out what my purpose was in life and one day it just came to me. My mission would be to help keep families together, so our children could lead by example. The problems that we see every day when it comes to our youth stem from our relationships at home. My goal is to make a difference in the world by writing a book that people can learn from and at the same time open their eyes to their own situation.

THE HEAT MAGAZINE: What can we expect to see from Meccasino Entertainment in the future?

ALAFIA TYNER: Meccasino Entertainment for the future. We will continue to grow as a worldwide company and we do have plans to join forces with a non-profit 501 (3) C company. Our next step is to launch a summer youth program and a school for job skill building in the next few years. We will continue to promote venues, and strive to build our marketing department on worldwide level. Meccasino will definitely branch off into film in the near future as well, so keep your eyes open for that and thank you for the continued support. You can now follow me on Twitter @alafiatyner or on my Facebook fan page at

EDITOR’S NOTE: We are honored to have had the privilege of interviewing someone of Mr. Tyner’s caliber. We look forward to seeing him become a worldwide, household name. We know it is only a matter of time before his prolific work spans the globe and a difference. He will most certainly make a difference in the lives of others and impart his endless knowledge on those who need it most, thereby benefitting families. The Heat sends our best wishes to Mr. Tyner in all of his endeavors.

Arlene Culpepper, Asst. Editor-in-Chief
Arlene Culpepper, Asst. Editor-in-Chief
Vice-President & Asst. Editor-in-Chief of The Heat Magazine, Arlene is a Louisiana native, Certified Paralegal, Publicist, Owner of MIKODreamz PR, co-owner of 504Diffusion, writer, producer, and jack of all trades, who is heavily involved in her community as well as serving as Media Advisor for New Orleans Union for Entertainment (NOUE), Member of the NOLA Music Awards from 2012-present & Member of the Press Club of New Orleans. Her work is published across the web. Her PR work has been highly recognized & awarded. She was/is publicist for the late great BTY YoungN, 0017th and more. She is also working on her first novel & aspires to turn it into a film & is currently writing the authorized biography of the legendary Pimp C of UGK. She can be reached via email at Follow her on Twitter - @CategorySeven & Instagram - @hurricanearlene.


  1. Thank you the HEAT for the Article on my little Brother Alafia Tyner.. I know he is going to do great and big things. I’m one of he’s loyal supporter of the movement. Reach for the skys. I love the impact that it’s made on so many peoples lives.

  2. Alafia I want to wish you nothing but the Best!! You have came such a long way and I’ve always believed & had faith in you. I will always support whatever you put out or do… You are such an inspirational & positive role model we most definitely need more of u around. Good luck Laf!!!


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