Ever gone for a few days without taking a shower? Well, imagine going 60 long years without ever cleansing yourself, and then maybe you might be able to understand how it feels to be 80-year-old Amou Haji.
Mr. Haji, a resident of the Dejgah villiage in the Southern Iranian province of Fars, has lived isolated from the general public for a while, and for good reason. He is considered the dirtiest man in the world because of the fact that he hasn’t washed himself in 60 years. He believes that cleaning himself will cause him to get sick.
Mr. Haji eats primarily dead and rotted porcupine meat, and smokes animal feces out of a pipe regularly. He is apparently looking for love, if he can find someone who will be comfortable with his lifestyle.
Check out the dirtiest man in the world above. Hit the next page if you’d like to see a more serious and detailed review of Mr. Haji’s life.