This is a real headline on the Wall Street Journal’s web site, right now: “Should Black Women Marry Outside the Race? We Want Your Opinions Via Webcam.”
Then the article goes on to say, “Good question! What say you, America? Should the races intermingle their precious blood, or should they endeavor to keep their stock pure and unadulterated? There are interesting viewpoints on both sides—some say it’s barbaric to bring racial considerations to bear on questions of love, while others say it’s barbaric for members of the white race to defile their seed in the womb of the mud people. Who’s right? Come debate it on the web site of the Wall Street Journal, the web’s home for vibrant debate on matters of crucial importance.”
This is the most IGNORANT ARTICLE I have read in a while. It makes me want to delete Heat from my page. Why entertain this ignorance? Minorities have enough to deal with on a daily basis without this being added to the idiocy. People should be with, mate and pro-create with whom ever they please. Get over it.