Friday, March 21, 2025


A modern day renaissance woman, Justina Brown was born in a small town in South Carolina, but the city lights of Atlanta were only a heartbeat away.

Fluently speaking, Justina is as well-versed in Spanish as English. Senorita Brown has a passion for the Latin lifestyle and can show anyone just that when she puts her salsa shoes on!

As a professional in Atlanta’s legal community, Justina has worked with some of the city’s top law firms. However, a natural born starlet, she is finally allowing her talent to bloom. This “Delicate Flower” is sure to entertain, move and inspire all that are fortunate enough to see her acting debut in The “Delicate Flower”.

THE HEAT: When did you fall in love with the performing arts?
BROWN: It’s been a passion since high school. I took a Theater class in the ninth grade and joined the Drama Club shortly thereafter. I was only cast for one high school production, but thoroughly enjoyed helping the actors behind scenes with makeup, costumes and preparing for the shows. All throughout college and since then, I’ve watched stage plays, but this is my first real production.

THE HEAT: What has been your inspiration as you’ve traveled your journey to this point?
BROWN: I’m a dreamer; my mind is constantly racing and there are tons of things I want to do. My friends inspire me; they are all talented and pursue their passions even if it means going against the grain. When I see my friends following their dreams and making things happen, that hypes me up to do the same. So I surround myself with this type positive energy.

THE HEAT: How did you get the role as Orchid in “The Delicate Flower”?
BROWN: Last year, I decided I wanted to get involved with some form of art. I looked online and happened to see the audition posting for “The Delicate Flower” at The fact that it was a choreopoem that had been adapted from a book caught my attention because I love spoken word. I went home that same day, found a monologue and learned it in twenty-four hours for the audition the next day. I have been on a journey even as an actress with this production. Initially, I was the understudy for Plum. When one of the actresses was unable to continue with the workshop, my role changed to Violet. After the workshop, Leta Lagaunda, who was previously Orchid, and I switched characters.

THE HEAT: Most actors/actresses play roles that have nothing at all to do with their personal life. How does your part in this production relate to your life, if at all?
BROWN: Orchid is the searching self, trying to understand her life and her uniqueness. I believe I could describe myself with the same words. I’m constantly trying to figure things out, continually evolving as an individual, regularly checking to make sure I understood something correctly, and always asking for confirmation. The director, Ereatha McCullough, say all the time, “Justina’s always got a question in her voice or face.” And it’s true. As far as the story Orchid tells—yes, it’s very personal.

THE HEAT: What are some other productions you have been in or a part of?
BROWN: I was Ms. Klein in my high school stage play, Children of a Lesser God. We performed it at a Regional Competition, but that’s as far as we got. “The Delicate Flower” is my first professional debut.

THE HEAT: If you could have one dream to come true at this very moment, what would it be?
BROWN: I would love to live in South America. I’m going to make that happen very soon, but right now I have a few responsibilities keeping me in the United States.

THE HEAT: What has been the most challenging part of “The Delicate Flower” to get produced and to the stage in your opinion?
BROWN: I work a full time job in a law firm and am a freelance Spanish translator. Juggling rehearsals with work schedule and finding time for salsa dancing and guitar practice has personally been my biggest challenge. I think the same can be said as true for the other cast members. We’re all either mothers, wives, full-time workers or students juggling responsibilities and making time for our passion. We’ve all had to sacrifice time we didn’t think we had to dedicate more energy to this production, but it’s going to make for a great show.

THE HEAT: Is there someone that today you would call your hero/shero?
BROWN: I do have role models like: my mom because she is so compassionate and possesses an overwhelming self-sacrificing spirit; my father’s determination is relentless; and my sister’s perseverance is unconquerable. I also admire folks like my grandmothers for their humility and wisdom and my grandfather, who has an unbelievable work ethic. But I don’t view any of these as my “heros” or “sheros”, they’re just amazing people I look up to.

THE HEAT: What’s next for you after “The Delicate Flower”?
BROWN: I’ve got a lot on my plate. I may take a brief break from the stage to focus on becoming proficient in speaking French and playing my guitar. I know for sure that my next audition will be for a role as a Latina. I speak Spanish fluently and enjoy Latin culture, so I think it’ll be exciting. Also, I recently had a photo shoot which was a load of fun. I’ve already submitted the pictures to a modeling agency… so who knows what door that might open.

THE HEAT: What is one thing you’re hoping that the audience will take away from “The Delicate Flower”?
BROWN: This play speaks to everyone, no matter what gender or walk of life they come from. Even if you haven’t gone thru some of the issues discussed in “The Delicate Flower”, you do know someone who has lost their home, been molested as a child, abused physically or emotionally, battled with feelings of regret from having had an abortion, or is struggling with a mental illness. All of us have been shaped by these or similarly traumatizing experiences, but the message of “The Delicate Flower” is “HEAL“. We can’t allow our past to hinder us from enjoying the future or building our self-worth. I hope everyone who sees the play will walk away knowing that they have the power to change any negative circumstance in their life for the better. No, it’s not easy; but it’s not impossible.

We will be looking to see what Justina is up to on the guitar days to come. As for her landing her first debut role in “The Delicate Flower” tells us that she’s truly ready for her season of opportunity. Justina thanks for stopping by “The HEAT” and sharing your story with our readers.

Much Love! One Love!
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  1. I love this piece here!!! So very refreshing and inspiring!!!! Keep up the good work Nik-o-licious and The Heat mag. You’re such an attribute to all aspiring go getters!


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