This is a little bio of myself so when my book comes out which is the title of this blog, people will know a little something about who i am and what the book will be about. I am Tamara Franklin, from a small town of Warren, Arkansas, Which i now live in Columbus, Ga. I’m proud to say that I’ve been married to the love of my life Dario Franklin for 3 years, he is one of the best gift’s that GOD has blessed me with and I’m thankful for him. I am a Doctor of Christian Counseling, but prefer to say Life Coach, a minister at The Movement For Christ Ministries under Apostle Lonnie Boyd Jr. and Evangelist Lady Crystal Boyd. You Guys should come visit us sometimes, you will have an awesome time, we are not a traditional church trust me. The address is 1137 Floyd Rd Columbus, GA, 31907. I have been an entrepreneur for going on 15 yrs with multiple businesses. Tax preparation, Tax Software(It’s free), Business Consulting, Starting Businesses, Funding, Trade lines, Credit Repair, Financial Consulting, Evangelist, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Kingdom Royalty Hair Collection(top grade bundles), Fully Loaded Fire Sticks, Auto Dealership and a freelance writer for The Heat Magazine for 5 yrs. I have been battling Stage 4a breast cancer since 2015. I am now in remission. I’ve taken 14 months of chemo and i now take a chemo pill everyday for 10 yrs, I have 5 more years to go. I took 6 weeks of radiation everyday Monday through Friday for 30 minutes, 12 major surgeries with both breast being removed twice, and in and out of the hospital. I died June 26th 2014 at St. Francis Hospital after a surgery. The experience was so phenomenal but you’re going to have to wait for the book to read about it lol. I am a survivor even though i’m still going through severe health problems and on 2L oxygen continuously because i have chronic hypoxia. I lost my mother October 6th 2018, that was heartbreaking for me, but i know that she’s looking over me. I am a woman of GOD, a wife, a mother, I am a FAITH WALKER, that’s how i am still able to stand today. I have so many testimonies to share not only from my walk with cancer but my walk in every day LIFE. I still stand today only because of CHRIST THAT LIVES IN ME!!! There’s a movement that’s on the rise called “Entrepreneurs Kingdom Outreach Co.” which it is a movement to teach the youth and some old about financial freedom, how to live and move comfortably in this world. Rising up other Entrepreneurs. We are on the move for the kingdom and get ready the book is coming soon. You can check out the website for all products and services
“The Breastless Servant”(For those who sees GOD’S work sees FAITH)
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