Shaq was just beginning to enjoy the early days of his retirement when he got caught up in a serious criminal case.
Shaq’s friend, Ladell Rowles, is a member of the Main Street Mafia Crip Gang that is responsible for kidnapping, beating and robbing a man who claimed to have a sex tape involving Shaq and other women. The tape was made while Shaq was still married to Shaunie and it’s believed the men tried to get the tape back with the aid of their guns.
The man accused of owning the sex tape is Robert Ross, who interestingly enough was Shaq’s associate at his record label. Shaq and his manager Mark Stevens are partners in the label and told Ross they would give him 50% on any artist he brought in. Ross claims he brought in Ray J, but Shaq reaped the rewards.
Ross then told Shaq he would release the video if he didn’t get his cut of Ray J’s earnings, adding more fuel to the fire. Ross explained that Shaq brought women to his house to sleep with him and a “security camera” caught all the footage, but since it recycles periodically the video no longer exists.
Well, this story has lots of twists and turns and it seems that Shaunie split with Shaq aroung the time of their falling out and he’s claiming to have had an affair with Shaunie. Wow, can’t wait to see what else comes to the surface with this story!