Part 1 of The Heat’s exclusive with Jack Spratt leaves off with us talking to Jack about his much anticipated PPTV debut. We pick back up with Jack talking about past endeavors and the controversy in which he is currently embroiled, over his Lil Reeva The Queen Zebra character:

ARLENE/THE HEAT MAGAZINE: Your involvement in Poppa’s Partyhouse was huge. What happened there?
JACK SPRATT: Well, I started hosting Poppa’s Partyhouse in June of last year until about February of this year and I enjoyed helping build it from the ground up. It quickly became the hottest night in the city and I proved to myself and everybody that I could successfully host a club night in New Orleans with my brand of energy and antics. It was a challenge for me at first because I’ve never hosted a steady club night anywhere, not to mention at the House of Blues. So, I’m extremely proud of what I accomplished and the grand manner in which I did it. Now the problem came when a bounce artist who the promoters often work with became offended by some Twitter comments that I made about his wardrobe during one of his TV performances. I kinda know the bounce artist from seeing him when I host, so I got his number from one of the promoters and called him to see what the problem was and I went on Q-93 FM to publicly clarify my comments about the matter. Keep in mind when I was doing the radio broadcast I was dressed like the artist was dressed for his performance because I do comedy – not hating, not mockery, but comedy. I was told by the promoters that the artist was even more offended after my radio appearance and I was asked not to show up as host for his birthday party at the House of Blues the following Sunday night. So I was pissed by that, at the time, because I felt that I deserved better than that from the promoters and the DJ who I sacrificed for and grinded with for about 8-9 months since Day 1. Then the next week I had a talk with the promoters and I was told that if I wanted to continue to work with their team, then I would have to refrain from doing any comedy about the artist. So I discontinued my hosting services immediately!!! Hosting is cool and it put a few extra dollars in my pocket, but PPTV is what separates Jack Spratt from any other entertainer, comedian, host, or artist out here. I will never let anyone dictate what I can do creatively, especially when they met me doing the exact same thing, spoofing current events. I refuse to water down my brand for anyone and I will never forsake my principles for fame, money, or spotlight because I know that God has the final say on everything. All I can say now is that my decision was a hard one, but I think it was the best for all parties involved. House of Blues is still popping on Sunday Nights and I’m sitting here doing an interview with you about my new PPTV Web-isode “A” dropping April 30th. The Future is bright….
Make sure to check out Parts 2, 3 and 4 of The Heat’s exclusive with Jack Spratt. It’s an interview you definitely don’t want to miss!