Thursday, March 13, 2025



The Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Mo, has set off protests and memorials since it was announced that Officer Darren Wilson wouldn’t be charged for Brown’s murder. With protests reaching cities in New York, California, Washington D.C. and Atlanta, one father took on protesters in San Diego for blocking a highway.

According to the Daily Mail, Tyree Landrum got into a physical altercation with a protester Wednesday morning after a group of protesters blocked the 1-5 highway. The father of six told reporters he has three jobs and claims that if he didn’t get to his retail job, he was going to be fired. He also said that the public outrage from the case has done nothing to help the situation.

“If I don’t get there, I’m going to get fired. I’ve got six f****** kids to feed,” he said. “The day goes on homie, n**** get shot everyday. Deal with it the right way, not like this.”

He pushed one of the protesters to the side of the highway, grabbed his bullhorn and said, “Hey, I feel you; we ain’t got no justice either.” Police arrived on the scene and the group was removed from the highway allowing people to continue with their morning commute. Landrum and the protester weren’t arrested, but the father’s story gained the attention of Ryan Fusco who started a fund-raising page in his name to make sure Landrum’s children receive Christmas presents. After the video went viral, many called the father a hero for trying hard to provide for his family.

“I’m not a hero,” Landrum said. ‘I’m nobody special, just doing what I thought was right.”

So far, $5,000 has been raised for Landrum and his family. Check out the fund-raising site here and the viral video above.

The Heat Reporter
The Heat Reporter
Known in entertainment circles as "LA Dre", the Editor of The Heat Magazine works tirelessly to bring you the latest & greatest in entertainment news. He spent years in the industry & now brings some of that insider knowledge to his readers.


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